Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's a new year..and it's gonna be a good one!! January 5, 2011

Hello my dear dear loves!!

I don't know why but this week i was really really looking forward to hearing from you all today. This week seems like it has been forever, so to me thursday took a while to get here. But now I have read your emails and am glad to hear that things are going well. I am very glad that you all have enjoyed the holidays, and pray that everything goes well as you get back to school and work and all that jazz. So one question? Dad are you healthy enough that you can still go to work and things? Did you miss a lot of work in the process? Well anyways, I cannot say how very very excited i am for Dallin and that grandpa can give him his patriarchal blessing. What a wonderful wonderful opportunity!!! Dallin i am proud of you! Hang in there, and I love you!! Man, terence had shoulder surgery again?! what is up with that? Well, i hope he heals fast. That is fun that sara made him brazilian beans and rice. yummy!

So new years for us was pretty fun. We all gathered at the Moore's because we didn't want to be outside with all the crazies. Fireworks went crazy for new years eve and for a few days even after that. I think they are pretty much done now though. So when we were at the moore's all of us missionaries had a yummy dinner together and then we were allowed to watch a movie. it was pretty funny because we were watching "the best two years" and then we looked at our watches and it was already 5 min. past 12. So we said Opps!! stopped the movie, and then said happy new year to everyone, and then finished the movie real quick and the moore's took us to our apts.

It was very enjoyable for me to be able to get some cleaning done in our apt. the next day. It was super weird to just sit inside all day, but it was good to get some things done there. Sister chetina left on sunday, and it was sad :( So she should be at her home today. Crazy. And yes, dad, the Lowry's left in december and picked their son up from his mission in argentina and then went home. Crazy that everyone is leaving. But anyways, now I am with my mini missionary and am senior companion. I feel like i have no idea what i am doing!!!! A mini missionary is a young adult who is in our mission and in one of the branches. Pres. Woolley just sent them on a short mission to get some experience before going on a real mission if they would like to. So, I am with Sister Muhina from the town of Nizhney. She will soon turn 21 and wants to go on a real mission. So i pray I can help to make that desire greater from her. She will be with me about this whole next transfer, and then goes back home to work. It is kinda weird because they don't always have the same rules as us because they are not "real" missionaries, Like they still have contact with the outside world and things. But anyways, things are going pretty good. Right now is a little tougher time with our investigators. We have no progressing ones. And I am just a new senior missionary and don't have the best language skills and don't really know what to do. No one wants to meet with us because the holidays are still going. A lot of people are out of town. And when we go contacting we just walk around and around in the freezing cold weather and see about only 2 people. So, right now is a little tougher time, but I pray that it gets better. I will try to do all I can to rely on the Lord and spend my time where the Lord would have me. I just want people to be interested in the gospel and they only seem to be interested in english. But anyways, things will get better and as I rely on the Lord things will work out.

Dad, you asked about the pictures in the newsletter. One is Anya, she got baptized not long after I arrived in Almaty. she is amazing and wonderful, but has a small baby, no husband, and no job. She has been trying to figure out what she can do with her young daughter so that she can find a job and earn a living. We are trying our best to support and love her, and do all we can to help her. She is very active in the church and so so sweet. Eva is a young girl, whose grandmother and uncle are members of the church. She came one time to church with her grandma and said that she wanted to be baptized. She is 10 years old, and we started teaching her. She is a sweet little thing. I pray that her grandma will still support and encourage her as they all come to church together. And then masha and nastia just got baptized last thursday. They are twins and just so amazing. I pray with all my heart that they stay active and that we can help them do so. They work a lot though, and I don't think their family understands about the church and all. But, I pray that we can work through the Lord to help them and to increase their knowledge even more about the gospel. We had a lesson with them yesterday, and I struggled really hard to try and explain to them about the priesthood and the organization of the church in Russian. It was difficult, and I felt stupid, but I pray that I didn't say anything completely wrong and that she understood and felt the spirit. And yes, in Voronezh my and sister gorkavenko's investigator, Olya, got baptized on Christmas day. I was very very excited to hear so. But as always sad and a little heart broken that I could not be there for her. Pres. let sister Gorkavenko be there for the baptism, but he said that almaty was too far away. That's ok though, i understand, it is just a hard part about being a missionary when you have wonderful investigators and aren't there for them when they actually take the big step of baptism. I am very excited for her though. Very very.

That's kinda funny that you fasted for me on Sunday, because I fasted for you all and for dad. I believe I felt some peace. Well, mom, thank you for the words of comfort. I am trying really hard and trying to be very humble. I feel like I have been given a lot of weaknesses here on my mission especially, and I look at other missionaries who are so smart and personable and good at the language and happy and enthusiastic and baptizing alot and always have a lot of investigators, and I just think, man, how do the do that? How are they good at everything? But I'm doing my best not to compare. I have been given weaknesses and they definitely help to keep me humble, and put my trust in God, and not in the arm of flesh. I know that I cannot do anything without my Heavenly Father and Savior. That is one thing i have learned on my mission. I can't do everything on my own, and I am not meant to do so.

Dallin congrats again that you will get your patriarchal blessing. I love you and know that you are doing the right thing. I miss you and pray all the time that you are doing well.

Well, i think that's about it for this week! I am very happy to hear that things are going pretty well. I love you all! I pray that you all stay healthy and safe and don't forget about the most important things in life. Have a great week! And until next week!

All my love,
Sister Brown

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