Tuesday, January 18, 2011

hello lovely 12 January 2011


As always it is good to hear from everyone. Good to hear from sara and terence!! it has been years! But I am glad you are healing pretty well terence and that things are going good. and sara is already graduating! crazy! and congrats.

Also, did y'all get my package yet? i hope so. Speaking of packages, I got some letters and packages from grandma and grandpa brown, grandma read, aunt kristi, and aunt lois this week. thank you thank you!!! It was wonderful to get them and I felt greatly loved. Every time i open a letter or package i get teary eyed. either I am going crazy, or I am just really really grateful to have so much support and love from home. Thanks!

This week has been slower, but good. It has been a little challenging for me with a mini missionary, but I am trying to work my hardest and show the Lord that I really want to reach our goals. Our mission set some new goals to reach by March 31, and i am pretty excited about it. Now we just need to get my mini missionary excited about them too : ) I really pray that as we rely on the inspiration of the Lord and that as we set goals and show the Lord that we are working towards them, that we can accomplish these goals and the work we were sent here to do. Sometimes when we don't get as many contacts as I would like and when people don't show up for meetings, and when we have no progressing investigators, it is really easy to get down on yourself and wonder, what am i doing wrong? But I know without a doubt that prayer helps. That communicating with the Lord is a huge part of missionary work and a part of our lives. I pray everyday for enthusiasm and love for this work and for these people. And the Lord helps to give these things to me.

This week we did have one great lesson with one of our english investigators. We taught her about joseph smith and the book of mormon. She seemed very excited and interested in the message and said she will definitely read. I was very excited and was like yea! my first book of mormon as senior companion! I pray that as we continue to meet with her that she will accept the message and understand what we teach her. I have realized that testimony is huge. Bearing your personal testimony, everyday, everywhere you go, with everyone you meet, is the most important thing that we can do as missionaries and members of this true church.

Dad, i think there are probably more women members here in the church than men. And yes, there is a local branch president. So that is great and he has a great supportive family. Usually they fill all the callings with members here, but as missionaries we are still expected by the branch members to be involved and have a part in everything that is done. What we need to do is help them but not hinder them, so that they can function as a branch if there were no missionaries here.

This week I taught my first piano lesson to a young girl in the ward. Like no one knows how to play the piano, and I thought it would be helpful if people other than the missionaries knew how to play the piano, so I am teaching piano to her as some service and hopefully one day she will be a great piano artist!! And Ange, I have my mini missionary basically this whole transfer.

Well everyone, i think that is about it for the week. I am sure there is more to say but I already forgot. I am glad you get to go down to kanab and that dallin gets his patriarchal blessing. I am very excited for you d man. When you get your blessing, read it often. I have only realized now the importance of these blessings, and I know that I still have much much more to learn. Read it. Whenever your having a hard time, read it. It is revelation from God to you, and it will help you in everything. I have realized the great comfort that actually comes from reading and pondering on that blessing here on my mission.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Be safe and have fun. I am glad to hear that dad is doing well. I pray for you everyday. Keep me updated please. Let me know what I can do for you all. I love you. Great to hear from everyone. Until next week!!

Hugs and Kisses,
Sister Brown

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