Wednesday, January 12, 2011

another week come and gone! 15 December 2010

Hello everyone!!

I am glad to hear that things are going well. yea sis. moore told me she talked to you mom for about an hour. she said that you both just laughed and laughed. and I thought wow thats cool but I was kinda jealous. I thought "hey, that's my mom! i should be talking and laughing with her, not you!" just kidding. but it is kinda weird when i hear that the senior couples here talk to you and I can't. I opened the package of the things I could before christmas and it was so fun!!! They gave it to me at the branch building after FHE and I let the elders help me open it. They had so much fun and screamed like little girls when they saw the bubbles and stickers and things. It was so hilarious!! So I think I am gonna give them some of those fun little things for christmas too, I think they would really enjoy it. And oh my gosh that cookie making thing and the sprinkles are awesome!!! Sister Chetina and I are so excited to make some cookies. They don't really have sprinkles like that to buy here. But seriously thank you, thank you so much for thinking about me and thinking about the others here. Everyone will all be so excited I think. I am a little sad that you spent so much money to send the christmas packages, but I am very grateful and the others will be very grateful too. Thank you for always being so considerate. I told you I sent a package right? It has some awesome kazak chocolate that you will love.

I can't believe this christmas season is already sneaking up on us. Mom and dad and rhen and t, have fun at the game and be safe, ok. I pray you all have a good time together. Dad, about the culture and christmas and things. I don't really think it is too weird for my companion, because she was baptized when she was 13, and so she has been in the church a while. And she said that usually at her home branch they always did american things and had american christmas because they always had missionaries in the branch that they did these things with. Of course here new years is huge and christmas not that big, but she said that they always did something on the 25th for christmas with the branch, so I don't think it is too werid for her. What is up with all us american missionaries americanizing every branch?! I bet people really get kinda of annoyed about that sometimes.

So this past week in our lessons with investigators and our english investigators we have been talking a lot about Christ, and about His atonement and all that he has done for us. I have really enjoyed it and it has got me thinking more about applying the atonement of Christ in my own life. The atonement is a really hard thing for me to fathom sometimes. How could the Savior honestly atone for every single person that lived, lives, or will live on the earth. And He atoned for every single sin, mistake, heartache, pain, weakness, etc. He honestly understands how every single one of us feels. It is hard for my human brain to understand, but I know it is true. I know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we can truly be forgiven for all of our sins if we are truly desirous and truly repentant. I was talking to someone the other day and we were talking about the atonement, and how it is very important that we forgive others, because when we forgive others we are working through the atonement, and we are letting the atonement help people repent and be forgiven. And then she said how we also need to forgive ourselves. She said that if we don't forgive ourselves for our mistakes and sins, that we are not truly partaking of the atonement and letting the atonement work in our lives. I never really thought about it that way. I never thought that if I were to keep beating myself up about past mistakes, that I was disregarding the atonement. But now I understand better. Even though it is hard to forgive ourselves at times and forget about our past mistakes, I know that when we do we are truly partaking of the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He does not want to see us continue to beat ourselves up about things that He has already died and suffered to forgive. He loves us dearly, and He wants us to forgive ourselves, and move on. I know this is true. And I know that as we always rely on our Heavenly Father and Savior, that we can truly become clean, and become better people each and every day. For this I am forever grateful. And during this holiday season I am so so so grateful for the atoning sacrifice of my Savior, brother, and friend Jesus Christ. May the spirit of Christ be with you all this wonderful holiday season.

About the phone call. I am very excited!!! I will be calling you (or you calling me?) at 8:30 AM on christmas morning here. Which will be 7:30 PM christmas eve for you. So be ready then!!!!!

Next pday we have zone conference, so I won't email on thursday. We might have some time friday morning to send a quick email. But if not, i will talk to you on your friday evening! oh my gosh. this is crazy sauce. i can't believe it is already christmas.

Well, have a wonderful christmas holiday. Be safe, nice, and do what's right. Enjoy this week, and don't forget about the true spirit of Christmas. All my love! Talk to you next week!!!

Sister Brown

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