Sunday, October 3, 2010

wow! 8 September 2010

Hello my loves!
Wow, well it sounds like another busy and just life-livin week in the Brown household. Seriously, does it ever stop?! I know this is horrible, but i have to admit that I thought about you all saturday evening when i assumed that you all would be getting ready for the big game back in america. Im glad to hear that the game went well and that everyone played well. And i am also upset myself to hear about the camera. Im not even there but honestly? honestly!? I swear there is like some creepy curse in our household, or some monster, that steals our cameras, and then goes and sells them for money. He is gonna get pretty rich if he still keeps this up! Seriously though, you and dad have broken a few. I don't know where the heck mine went, and then yours, and now dallins?! wow. WEIRD is all i can say. and mom, like you said, when i think about it it just makes me crazy. so best not to think about it.
So, dad had quite a few questions this week, so lets see if i can get all those answered in one quick shot. Who knew you were all so interested in my life? So yes, it was my companions birthday last p-day, she turned 23, and we had a fun time. We got fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner by the people here. It was cool at first but then by the time our dinner appointment came around we were like "ah, please no, i can't eat anymore!!" ps...just a little side note. One lucky thing about being a sister here in russia rather then an elder is that they don't push the food as hard on you. Of course they are like come on eat, eat. You're missionaries and you need to eat. But with the elders its like pretty intense. The elders will be like no no i can't eat i will explode. and they will be like whatever thats not true and they will just keep putting food on their plates until literally the elders are sick. its kinda funny, but not. anyways. Yes, i think sis. Gorkavenka had a fun birthday. I made her a little birthday cake so that was fun. And yes dad, they do have birthday cakes here. They sell a lot of small birthday type cakes in the stores too. I don't know how popular the colored icing and all that jazz is, and I haven't seen candles around here yet but I haven't really looked and Im sure they have them. So we just pretended we had candles with sis. Gorkavnenko.
So monday and tues. of this week we helped put together some more kits for the people affected by the fires. And yesterday we took our trip out there and delivered them. As always, the people were very grateful. But yesterday was rainy and very wet and cold. And let me tell you, i did not really dress appropriately for the occasion. And i thought to myself wow, its like only 45 degrees now, and in the winter on average it will get down to -30. I think i will die. and if not lose a toe or a nose or ear or something! No not really. But it was cold. And i will just say that I am not to excited to experience a cold Russian winter. And dad, yes mostly i think that people have good feelings here about americans.

In answer to your question about the Kiev temple dedication, yes, it was live, and in the actual temple they had a translator to speak in russian when the prophet was speaking in english and things. And then us american missionaries were in another room in the church where we had the english translations channel turned on for when people only spoke in russian. I was very glad for that to because my russian is no where near to understanding that well. The people are very excited about the temple, and now it is probably about a day train ride or something to get there. And no, the school schedule here is a little different i think. Sis. Gorkavenko told me that every school starts on the 1st of Sept., and that they all end on the same day too. And, i learned yesterday that schools here don't have names or mascots. They are just numbers. like, "I go to school number 32" "Oh, really, I go to school number 17" Different right?
So we continue to work with our investigators. Our investigator now has a baptism for the 18th of sept. So we continue to really work with her. And we are really trying to pick up our finding and trying to do more contacting so that we can find those people that are really prepared by the Lord to accept baptism. It really is an act of faith here. I think I need some more of that.
Well family, enough for this week. I love you and pray for you. I hope school and work and play is going well for everyone. Keep up the good work and keep doing whats right and following the guidance of the spirit. There is an awesome mormon message video on about listening to the spirit. Watch it. It's GREAT!! Until next week!
With lots of love and hugs and kisses!
Sister Brown

ps....maybe a good idea would be for your to just duck tape your camera to yourself so it would be with you at all times and you would always know where it questions.

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