Sunday, October 3, 2010

it's getting colder....29 September 2010

Hello my loves!!
Hey! so first off i need to say happy birthday to g-ma brown, i know your birthday is coming up soon. Hope you have a great one!! Dman thanks for the email and get better! and you too ange and noelle...dang, why is everyone there sick!?? And...happy conference to everyone this weekend! I hope it is wonderful! We won't get to see it until the next week. And mom no we were not able to watch women's conference. I think they broadcast it somewhere at the same time they broadcast priesthood session here. So hopefully i will get to see it saturday. I heard it was good. And i can't believe that you are already putting up the halloween stuff, crazy crazy. I miss that. And sorry again to hear about the loss of byu. what is going on?! but really i thought about it and I have decided that the reason that they lose all the time is because my older bros don't even have time to write me. maybe if they wrote me more they would win more? i don't know, just a thought. hahahaha jk.
This week has been a good one. President has asked that the big branches (nizhney novgorod, voronezh, almaty...) spend a lot of their time right now activating inactive members. I guess there are a ton of people on the church records, and only about a 4th of those in voronezh are active. So, we are trying to seek out the inactive members and teach and befriend as many as we can.
Our investigators are doing well. The woman that we met and that is really excited about the gospel is doing well too. Yea dad we met her outside street contacting. She has a lot of questions though and has ran into many other faiths since we have met with her and just has a really hard time knowing what is right. We continue to give her commitments and pray that she will do them so that she can feel the spirit. And we strive our best to teach with the spirit. Because we can say as much as we want about the church, but she will not know for sure until the spirit testifies it to her heart.
I have a little funny story for this week. Last thursday we were running around trying to get a bunch of errands done, and we got unto a marshrootka (really small bus/van thing) which was really really really packed. There was no room to sit so there were a bunch of people just kinda half standing up with our heads crinked over. Me and sis. Gorkavenko were crouching near the door. And i was wearing my rainjacket that day because it was kinda windy and cold. So anyways, it was really cramped and we were by the door. And then at the next bus stop someone ripped open the door and next thing I know is that Im kinda going with it! The hood of my jacket had gotten caught in the top of the door and I was being pulled. But no one saw (or at least if they did they didn't help) and I was like being choked as more people were stuffing into the marshrootka. I didn't know how to yell, "hey stop my hood is caught in the door and you are choking me!" so i was just like "ow, ow, ow, wait, wait" My companion said she hadn't seen what happened but she couldn't figure out why i was saying ow,ow, and then she saw me pointing to my jacket, and helped me get it off the door. Of course this all happened in just a matter of seconds, but sis. Gorkavenko and I could just not stop laughing, and it probably looked really funny to the people on the bus. And then at the next bus stop the girl who slammed the door like basically slammed me in it. And then after our bus stop and on the way walking home the big bag of potatoes I was carrying split open and the potatoes spread all over the street. It was pretty funny and we enjoyed the laugh. so that was my story of almost dying on the marshrootka....not really. ah, another kinda funny packed bus story, some days the buses are so packed it is ridiculous!!! and not fun!! Anyway this day the bus had so many people on it that when it came to our bus stop and we had to get off, i could not get out. I told the people i was getting out and they were like ok, and then just stood there and stared at me because they couldn't move and probably just wondered how i was going to get out. There was honestly an inch of space between the two people that i was somehow expected to squeeze through with my bag, and that inch of space was not budging. It took us forever to squeeze our ways through, and i basically ended up having to like jump up and out of the bus onto the ground. It was pretty funny because people were still waiting to get on and then started yelling at the bus driver to not drive off, it started to sound like a jungle or something and reminded me of the funny story brian regan tells about people trying to squeeze themselves through the gate to load the airplane.
Sorry, that's about it for this week. Again I hope that everyone really enjoys conference this week and goes watching with an open heart. I don't know why but now on my mission i am more grateful for conference then ever before. And it has so much importance to me. To bad i would sleep or not pay attention when i watched conference before. I really wish I had. There are im sure a lot of great talks that i tuned out on. But anyways, enjoy conference everyone and I hope you are able to come out of this conference with more faith, love, hope, and endurance. I know Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God, and I know that the words that come from his mouth and the mouth of the apostles are words that Heavenly Father himself would have us hear. Listen to the prophet, he will not lead us astray. I was also reading in Preach My Gospel this week and read about before everything we need to have faith. If we don't have faith we are not going to believe that through living the gospel we will receive blessings. And thus, we won't live by the commandments and won't receive those blessings that the Lord has promised. At times it can be hard to see how living the commandments will bless our lives, but that is where the faith comes in. At times it can be hard for people who have fallen off the path to see how reading the scriptures, saying prayers, going to church, partaking of the sacrament, fulfilling a calling,...can all make a great difference in our lives, when the acts seem so small, but they do make a difference. We have hope and we trust in God that what He says is true. And then we act and take that leap of faith and do something, having the hope that our lives will be blessed because of it, and having the hope that the spirit will be stronger in our lives. And then it happens, because we had the faith to do as the Lord has asked.
I love you all and pray that this week is a good one! keep up the good work! Until next week!
Sister Brown

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