Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hi 16 March 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

It is good to hear from everyone. Ange said you got the letter from me. Im glad, i am surprised it got there so fast, I just sent it with one of the elder's to moscow to put in the pouch mail last week. Well, im glad you got it. I am glad that the little kids are having fun reading books and learning. Man do I miss them! And to answer your question, I will be training someone next transfer (in 3 weeks) here in Almaty. and sister Gorkavenko will also be training here. And then my visa ends, so i think i will have 2 more transfers somewhere in Russia or Belarus.

So our argentinian restaurant was good. It was fun and the Moore's are always so good to us. Friday we had a good lesson again with our investigator Ipara. The one that speaks in english. she had a lot of wonderful questions, like how can I grow closer to God? and How can I raise my teenage children better? I was excited that she was interested and looking for answers. I am excited to meet with her again. Saturday we had 2 meetings with two new people. It was great. And then we had sports day and played a little frisbee out in the snow. Then was Farida's baptism. It was wonderful. The spirit was amazing, and everyone there wanted to bear their testimony of the church and the importance of baptism. It was great. Her daughter came to her baptism and that was awesome! And then the next day, Sunday, her daughter came again to church! We really pray that she has the desire and can find time to meet with us between work. Farida is wonderful though. She is a great example and is already sharing the gospel with everyone that she meets. The little wedding party did not happen last week, it will be this saturday after a baptism of the elder's.

Monday we spent a very busy day with the Moore's driving around in their car trying to help a member that needs some help. We do some things as missionaries that I never really expected that we would do. I also got a haircut this week, it was growing out pretty long ; )

I can't think of any more news for you from the mission field. Oh, dad, no, i have not been to any stake conferences here. From what I know there is not a stake in our entire mission. We need to get more strong wards and branches with priesthood holders before they can make a stake somewhere. And, we were just not supposed to talk about home for 2 weeks because it was a little goal that president wanted us to do. He just wanted to see if it helped us to stay more focused on the work and if it helped us to teach and contact better, and things of that sort. I have to be honest though, it is hard for me not to say something about home if I think about it, i just want to say something about it. But I'm trying hard. I feel like if I don't say anything about home that I will completely forget everything!!

So, the boots were in the closet for one day, and now they are already out and being used again. We had probably the biggest snowfall of the whole winter yesterday. It is pretty, but very slippery. I think i fell 3 times yesterday, and then this morning I took a huge fall when we were running. I just flew completely in the air and landed right on my butt and tailbone. It is pretty painful right now to sit and to walk. But it should get better soon. It was pretty funny. I don't know how long the snow and cold will last, but I am ready to get the regular shoes out again. My winter boots are cheap and have already been pretty much worn out. So, i hope the warmth comes soon. I don't want to walk in uncomfortable boots anymore.

Well i love you all so very much! And I hope you never forget it! Keep doing well and doing what's right. Get some good sleep and exercise and eat well and stay healthy and strong! I am trying to do that too. have a wonderful week and a fun st. patricks day. Tell sister finch i said thank you thank you for the fun little activity books she sent me in the mail! Whelp, i don't know what else to say. I wish i could go on and on, but i got to sign off eventually. Send me pictures. I forgot what you all look like ; ) I love you! be good! follow the commandments! and remember to have personal and family scripture study and prayer and family home evening. Until next week!!


Sister Brown

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