Thursday, November 18, 2010

привет!! 18 November 2010

Моя Семья!!!

Я так долго не писала вам по-русский так что я это сделю сечас.

Well, I have not written in russian in a very long time, so i thought i would write you a little sentence. Im not sure if i spelled everything right, but whatev, enjoy!

Well you will be surprised to know that I was not in moscow for a week, and that this past week I had some tugs on my heart, and one of my wildest dreams of my mission came true. Seriously!!!

So, i left thursday on the plane and headed to moscow. I am already getting sick of plane rides. you know how i just love them :) But anyways, i got into moscow thursday night and the office elders told me that while I waited for the embassy to process my visa application, I would be going to VORONEZH!!! I thought wait, what?! I was like is this a crude joke? and they were like no, President and his wife are going down there for the weekend to do a little conference and you will be going with them! My heart seriously jumped for joy. And then president told me the same thing, and so I knew it was true! I just couldn't believe it! It was awesome! And so friday I was in the office while they took my passport to the embassy and processed some things. And then one of the craziest things happened. It has always taken (at the least) a week for the embassy to process our visa's.....but then i was sitting in the office and just a few hours later the office elders walked in, with my visa for kazakhstan. We were all so surprised! And then i was happy, but then my heart was also a little broken because I would be flying back to almaty that night and would not be able to go to voronezh and see sister gorkavenko and the investigators. So i was very sad. But then.....they actually looked at the visa and the date did not start until monday. So.....I ended up going to Voronezh!! it was so awesome and amazing to see everyone there! It was quite short though, just a day, and went by so fast that now I feel like maybe it was all just a dream. But it was a wonderful experience to be there and to see everyone! I could not be more grateful. and then we went back to moscow, and I got on the plane monday morning, and got to almaty late Monday evening. So now I am here in my area, trying to get back into the groove of things. As much as I love voronezh and the people there, I know that this is where the Lord has called me to be. And that as I stay close to the spirit and search, I will know the work that He has here from me to do.

So you asked about thanksgiving, yes, we as missionaries have been given an assignment to do a whole thanksgiving dinner and we need to have investigators at the meeting. We are excited, i'll let you know how it all turns out. Tues. was a holiday break for the people here. I am not exactly sure what the holiday is called, but it is some kind of Islam religion holiday. And they did animal sacrifices. Interesting right? I didn't know that people still do that. I asked one of the people and she said that a 1/3 of the animal is given to the poor, and 1/3 to like close family or something i think, and then the last 1/3 is for you. It is very interesting to learn about the new culture and things here. Also, I learned this week how to make some korean food. They do a lot of korean food here. Who knew that I would one day be in kazakhstan, speaking russian, and making korean food!!! i didn't. But it's cool, real cool.

Ok, so missionary work here is still going. We have set some new goals, and we are all trying to reach those goals before the end of the year. It requires a lot of faith and hard work, but I think that we can do it. It is always exciting to set some new goals and put some more enthusiasm into the work. i want to tell you a great experience that we just had. Last week we fasted with one of our new converts. Her family was going through a rough time, and we wanted to fast with her. I didn't find this out until i got back from moscow, but the day that we fasted things worked out with her family, AND...her mother came to church with her on sunday. it was her first time to the sunday meetings there at the church. Isn't that awesome!!!! It was a huge smack right in the face to me saying, "you see, miracles still really do happen"! Sometimes I think that it is hard to see miracles in missionary work, but they are there, and if you have the eyes to see them, you can find them.

Well family, it was great to hear from you all as always. I love you all so very much and am praying for you. Keep up the great work! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and count you many blessings!!! All my love, and until next week!!

Sister Brown

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