Monday, August 16, 2010

hello my loves

Hello family!!
Good to hear from you all! I love you! This week has been pretty normal and good as usual. And yes, I guess you have heard about all the fires. But we are all good. The fires have been in the outer skirts of the city surrounding the city. But there were a lot i tell you! I didn't think that you would have heard about it because you are in America, but i guess you have. I honestly didn't hear a ton myself, because the russian language was a barrier, but i just know that there were lots of fires and heavy smoke in the whole city for a day or two. Last P-day we finished writing home and then went to the store, and on our way out the wind was blowing so crazy!!!! It was like a blizzard of dirt and sticks instead of snow. (i don't know why but the wind here always tends to blow pretty hard sometimes, its crazy). But anyways the wind was blowing really hard and as we got closer to our apt. we noticed big clouds of smoke and that is when we found out the fires had started. I guess it is because it has just been so hot, and it hadn't rained for a while, and the wind helped to fuel it. But i heard what helped start it is some people who were smoking outside the city and threw the cigarettes on the ground. Smart!!!! anyways, yes, we are good and well and continue on with the missionary work as always. But i did hear from someone the other day that the news said it would be hot here like this until oct. That would be weird! and from mom it sounds like some weird weather happened there today too. Crazy Crazy! Every here is really freaking out and complaining and saying that the world is going to end very very soon. Those that are members think that the second coming is almost here, and those that are not just believe that the world is ending in 2012 like that one movie that i guess is really popular. and if they don't stop i will probably start freaking out too!
oh i got the package this week and the envelope from grandma. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love it! and the pictures in there of the family are the best part! You are look great!....I am for sure that i have the best looking family ever! anyways, thank you.
So this week has been another normal week of missionary work. Oh and sat. we had zone conference here so President and his wife were here with the AP's. It was a day of very good training, and i enjoyed it a lot. It is always nice to get some good training. We learned a lot about really giving baptismal commitments and not being scared to do so. So it was good and we did some fun practicing and such. I came home that day deciding that i need to be a better missionary. We have been working with our investigators, and we are really working hard at helping them to keep their commitments and gain their own testimonies. I gained a stronger testimony this week of when as a missionary you are out doing what you are supposed to be doing, that the Lord puts people in your path. We were just out contacting on the street the other night and we weren't having much success. We would stop people and as usual they did not want much to do with us. We were walking back to the next bus stop, and as we were walking this lady just stopped us and was like Hello! I have been wanting to talk to you! We were so surprised! But i guess it turns out she knows a family in the ward, and she actually took the discussions from the sisters a long time ago. She said she has been wanting to get in contact with us, but just never has gotten around to doing it. And so when she saw us she was very excited. We were too! And sunday was fast sunday. None the less, after church meetings and such, we went out contacting. That was probably the last thing that i wanted to do because it was so blazing hot and i had not had any water all day. I thought i was dying. But i made myself go outside and contact, and that day the Lord placed in our path some lovely ladies that we had the opportunity to talk to and share the gospel with. I know that as we do as the Lord would have us do and work hard, the Lord blesses us. And if we just take the time to slow down and look at it, we will see all the times the Lord has blessed us and helped us along.
Well family, not much else to say. I guess i will close for this week. But remember that i love you all! Until next week!
Sister Brown

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