Thursday, May 20, 2010

exciting to hear from you as always

Hello my family!!
Well, first off, before i forget...because it has really been bugging me and i just wanted to apologize and forget about it. I don't know why, but i find myself thinking a lot, and just after being here and interacting with different types of people, I realized how much it bothers me when people don't want you to help them do anything because they are too independent and can do it all on their own, and they think that their way is always the right way. Well, ok, to the point....I realized that it bothers me when people do this because i am the same way!!!!! and for some reason i thought back and all the dumb and rude things i said or did to you all (my lovely family) were brought to my mind and it just bothered me really bad so i just had to say sorry. I just remember that before i left on my mission i probably wasn't the nicest person ever. I remember one night that you mom, dad, and dallin, were trying to console me and help me with some thing i was frustrated and complaining about, and I got upset and wouldn't let you console me. Im sorry. And i remembered that i told noelle i would paint her fingernails before i left on my mission and then i was "too busy" and so i never did. sorry noelle. And I remember i was being judgemental and stupid and i said something to ange about her skirt being somewhat short, and i know that it hurt your feelings ange but i never apologized for it because i believed i was right. Im sorry ange. and i remember that i was making some cookies, and joe wanted to help me but i didn't let him because i wanted to do them all by myself and i thought that the way i made them was better. im sorry joe. And i know that this is silly, but it was just weighing on my mind and so i wanted to apologize. Sometimes i think that i am an awesome daughter and sister, but now i realize that when i think that i am being way way prideful and need to do a little self check. I just hope that despite my weaknesses and my controlling and prideful nature, that you all know that i really do love you. I was reading the talk elder bednar gave in oct. conference and i realized i don't think i ever really told you all that, cause i just assumed you knew. Sorry and i hope that you can forgive me for all the stupid things that i do and say. And i think that you know that i love you, but I just wanted to tell you so know. I love you all!!!!
I'm glad that everyone is doing pretty well. As always, good to hear from ya. I hope you gave lacee my love, and also alvin and the rest of the fam. Wow ange, sounds like quite the party!!!!! oh man fun fun. That is awesome dallin that you did that all! Way to go d bro!! And ange, haha, that is funny about the story of your friends you told me. And as always, it is fun to hear those cute stories about joe and noelle. man i love them. That's cool about work dad, glad it is keeping you on your toes!! keep up the good work, im sure your doing just great!
Ok, so....back to missionary work. welp, to be honest, there is not a ton. We have heard that people keep saying (and i don't know who "people" are) but they keep saying that Voronezh is a "dead city". Which is really sad. I don't believe it one bit, but at times it is hard to not wonder if it is heading in that direction. I really do pray that we can keep our heads high and have the spirit with us and be able to find those people that are looking. Cause i do know that they are here somewhere. We just haven't found them yet. And i know that the Lord and pres. Wolley would not send missionaries into this city of 2 million if they did not have faith that there are people here waiting to hear the good news of the gospel.
We have a few investigators that are progressing a little bit. Our investigator Kacenya is just the sweetest person ever, and has the sweetest little son. I just wish i understood what she was saying. But i can feel hear sweet spirit. And she wants to change. She said that she wants to get baptized!! So that is very exciting! and hopefully we can progress to that point. She just needs to talk to her husband about it first. We would love for him to come in on our lessons too and desire to be baptized, but we learned today that he might really need some help. To be honest, sometimes i just get so frustrated with the men out here, and how ridiculous and controlling they can be over their wives and children. If they only knew what they had and what they are giving up by doing stupid stupid things. At times you just want to go up to all of the men and just shake them around and be like "What are you doing!!!!!!!". I pray that her husband is touched by the spirit though, so that their little family of three can eventually be blessed by the blessings of the temple. Seeing this makes me very grateful for the wonderful men i have in my life and for their examples to me and for them staying worthy of their priesthood. So, my little spill from the soapbox...Men, stay worthy of the priesthood. Look at your beautiful families and realize what you have. Stay true to the good man your family believes you to be.
My russian is getting a little better. It definitely takes a lot of time though. Mostly i can just understand other people a little better. I don't know how much better i can speak. haha. I hear people and be like oh, i want to say this to you...but then you try to open you mouth and say it and realize you don't know how. fun stuff, fun stuff. I am still tryin to say what i can on lessons and things, even though it is only like 5 short really bad grammar and broken sentences. who knew a language would be so hard? i didn't. maybe my mouth was not made to form russian sounds and words. but it's all good. things will come with time and patience. In the mean time, i keep somewhat quiet cause i can't say much else.
We met with a young girl from our english club the other day, so we would love to keep meeting with her. Ill let you know how it goes! And we are working right now a lot with our area book, and also with the less actives in our branch. There are so many it is crazy. I would say that like 3/4 of the people on the ward list are inactive and just don't find the importance of coming to church. well, hopefully they will let us meet with them and see otherwise.
The weather has weirdly cooled down a little bit and has actually rained a lot. It is funny because it leaves these huge puddles in all the unlevel sidewalks here and we find ourselves dodging and hopping over puddles very often. its fun.
Well, as always i love you very very much. Keep up the good work and keep doing right. I like the thing that elder bednar said in the oct. 2009 conference. Something to the effect that..every family home evening, every family prayer, every family scripture study is a brushstroke on the canvas of our souls. Love it!!!!!
Sending lots of hugs and kisses from half a world away!
Sister Brown

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