Friday, November 5, 2010

november!? 4 November 2010

Hello my beloved family!!

It was great to hear from you all and see those awesome pictures! everyones costumes were great! I love them, and the pumpkins were awesome too. You all have some real skill. Saturday we also had a little halloween party in the ward, me and sis. Chetina were gypsies. it was fun!

ok, so anyways this week has been a good and busy one. The weeks seem to fly by way fast it is so crazy, and it feels like we never get enough done. So i received my registration on friday and now by government I am allowed to wear my name tag. Sweet huh? So when out contacting i can talk about the gospel too. We haven't done a ton of that lately, we need to do more. But anyways, our investigators are good. We have a few that are having a very hard time keeping commitments, so we pray that we can know how to best help them and best use our time. I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting last sunday, they have all the new missionaries do that. It was nice to do that again. And, at a baptism last friday I played a musical number on the piano. Sadly, i don't know why, but my hands still shake when i play the piano. I thought I had gotten over that but i guess not. I was all good until i got to the piano and then i got nervous and my hands shook. It reminds me of when I was in middle school...yuck...But anyways i hoped that no one noticed. But my companion told me after that she saw my hands shaking really bad. So nope, everyone who was in eye sight of the piano saw my hands shaking. Great....oh well. I just feel like such a timid little 10 year old when that happens. Maybe sometime in my life it will get better. Anyways, thats not important. I just wanted to go off on a little tangent.

So the other day we were teaching a lesson, and all of the sudden our investigator just seemed to get it. It just seemed like it made sense to her and somewhere in her head it clicked. For some reason I just felt the spirit super strong and just felt really really happy. I thought about it a lot later and thought about how so many times on the mission things don't go the way we planned, and things may not always be super exciting and new. But it is good to have joy in the little moments and simple things. So, i am trying to find joy in the small, and simple things of life.

Dallin, i was very glad to hear from you and you sound great! I am so happy to hear that things are going well and that you are feeling well yourself. Continue to count your blessings and rely on the Lord. He loves you. and you know that.

Ange, you said you were scared in that missionary training. honestly, before i came on my mission, i was completely scared out of my mind too. And at times i wondered, wow acacia, what are you thinking?! Everything about being a missionary is everything you aren't. But i just know that the Lord is with me every step of the way. With the Lord on you side, it doesn't seem as scary. If you say something wrong or do something wrong, you might feel embarrassed at first, but then i just pray really hard and try to focus, and then i just laugh about it later with my companion. its pretty fun. Just do the best you can ange with your scripture study and prayer. Try very very hard and pray and if you have the desire you will find the time and a way to get it done. This I know.

Well family, not much time again today as usual. I always feel so rushed and hectic when I email here. We always have a ton of stuff to do on pday. But i guess ill just have to get used to it all. Sometimes i wish i could just sit on email and read your emails over and over again all day. But, that's not what I have been called to do. So, I continue to pray that I can focus and that my thoughts can be concentrated most on what the Lord would have my thoughts concentrate on. I love you all. I pray for you everyday! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Keep up the good work! Until next week!

Sister Brown

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