It was great to hear from you all and hear how the week is going and everything. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!! isn't it crazy that this season is already here again? time does fly. But today we have been given an assignment to have a thanksgiving dinner with our investigators and all the missionaries. So we (me and my companion) will head on over to the store after we are done writing and then head back to the apartment and do some cooking. We will probably spend the whole day cooking. We are making mashed potatoes and bread. I also wanted to make some apples pies, so that should be fun i think. yea i heard that it is very cold there. It is not super cold here yet, i heard it doesn't get super cold like russia. But, today we went and I bought my set of winter boots. I swear they only make the cute boots for all the women with tiny skinny legs....oh well.
But anyways, this week has been a good one. We are still teaching our investigators. We are working really hard right now at keeping our goals in sight, and working towards those. My companion goes home in a is very weird. They already have Christmas lights up everywhere here. And I saw Santa Claus this morning! Pretty fun. I have to be honest, it is quite strange spending this time of year so far away from home. My first Christmas ever without the family.....weird. But thats ok, because the missionaries and investigators and church members here have been like family to us all. I have been a little sad lately thinking about the fact that all the missionaries will be in moscow for Christmas....and my friends and companions without me :( But Im sure Ill get over it. I just looked forward to seeing everyone in moscow for christmas, and then i got transferred to kazakhstan just right before the holidays. But I like kazakhstan. It is a great place.
Oh I forgot to tell you that the other day we had a great lesson with one of our new converts. And the awesome thing was, that during the lesson her sister that has not been very supportive of her came over with her son. We were so excited that she was with us on the last part of the lesson. And I feel that she really felt the spirit. We invited her to come to church with her sister, and she said that she really wants to, and has wanted to for a little while now. So, I was very excited, and I pray that she does come on Sunday.
This week I have been thinking a lot about all that I am grateful for. And there is just so much stuff I cannot even write it all down. But I really thought about how grateful I am this season for our differences. We are all different, and this is GOOD!! I cannot tell you how many things I have learned on my mission, all from people that are very different for me. Other people all have different good qualities than us, and we have different ones than them. And then we all help each other grow better and better together. And I just thought a lot about how we need not judge. We were all created differently, but we are all children of God. And God loves us all the same. I read a talk by elder wirthlin from conference the other day that I just loved. I want to type here some of the quotes that I wrote down. It is called Concern for the One, and he talks about how we need to bring lost ones into the fold.
He says....
"Today I would like to talk about those who are lost—some because they are different, some because they are weary, and some because they have strayed.Some are lost because they are different. They feel as though they don’t belong. Perhaps because they are different, they find themselves slipping away from the flock. They may look, act, think, and speak differently than those around them and that sometimes causes them to assume they don’t fit in. They conclude that they are not needed.Tied to this misconception is the erroneous belief that all members of the Church should look, talk, and be alike. The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony. All of Heavenly Father’s children are different in some degree, yet each has his own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole.Some are lost because they have strayed. Except for the Lord, we have all made mistakes. The question is not whether we will trip and fall but, rather, how will we respond? Some, after making mistakes, stray from the fold. This is unfortunate. Do you not know that the Church is a place for imperfect people to gather together—even with all their mortal frailties—and become better? Every Sunday in every meetinghouse throughout the world, we find mortal, imperfect men, women, and children who meet together in brotherhood and charity, striving to become better people, to learn of the Spirit, and to lend encouragement and support to others. I am not aware of any sign on the door of our meetinghouses that reads “Restricted Entrance—Perfect People Only.”Because of our imperfections, we need the Lord’s Church. It is there that His redemptive doctrines are taught and His saving ordinances are administered. The Church encourages and motivates us to be a better and happier people. It is also a place where we can lose ourselves in the service of others.The Lord knows we will make mistakes. That is why He suffered for our sins. He wants us to get back on our feet and strive to do better. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.To you who have strayed because you have been offended, can you not set your hurt and anger aside? Can you not fill your hearts with love? There is a place for you here. Come, join the fold, consecrate your abilities, talents, and skills. You will be better for it, and others will be blessed by your example."
I really enjoyed this article, and it really got me thinking. I know that as we look at everyone as children of God, and accept their differences, that we will all be a happier people. I know that our families will be stronger. Even in our families, we are all different. And you know, that's ok. That's just the way it is supposed to be. We would not learn and grow in love in our families if we were all exactly the same. And that would just be plain boring. So, there is my thought for the week.
I love you all!!! Have a wonderful thanksgiving day. You will probably get this thanksgiving morning. So yea! my little thanksgiving email present to you! I love you all and am very thankful this holiday season for your love, support, examples, optimism, good attitudes, cheerfulness, and kindness. Keep up the great work, and remember to count all your many many blessings!! All my love and until next week! it will be december!! WEIRD
с любовью,
Сестра Браун