Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello my loving family!
well, first off i am writing earlier than normal because we have a later session at the temple today for the russian natives to recieve their endowements. Thank you grandma for all those wonderful pictures! Everyone looks great and so happy! i wish i could have been there! haha. Yes, conference was very good and we were able to watch all of the sessions. Sat. night while the elders were all at priesthood session, all of us sisters watched the young women session. It was great! made me think of you mom and ange! um, lets see. oh, hey wells! i got your little notes in the mail. Thank you so much! that was sweet! and i can't believe brady is coming home so soon. Wow! times flies. Speaking of time flying, can you believe that i fly out to Russia exactly 3 weeks from yesterday!!!!!!! awwww!!! so crazy. I fill like i have lived here FOREVER! but at the same time it is weird cause it just feeels like a complete daze, and it felt like it flew by. haha. i don't even remember what ive done for the past couple months, haha. speaking of couple months, i haven't heard from my older bros in like ever! man, what are yall up too? Didn't think you could write you little sis while see so faithfully wrote you BOTH while you were on your missions huh?! yep whatev, i see how it is. hahahaha jk. I hope the Y is treating you well though and that life is just grand. so yea, back to russia, 3 weeks baby! i was really excited, but then when i think about it i get just so nervous!!! that's like halfway across the world!! I don't know what Heavenly Father was thinking sending me all the way over there, haha, i think i might just wet my pants getting off and on the plane, and then everyday after that! haha jk. hopeful it will all settle down after a while and i can get used to things. The the mtc is the same a usual. Learning lots and getting very tired. haha. Russian is coming along. We have set a lot more language goals, and starting monday we are supposed to speak completely 100% RUSSIAN!! oh man, this is gonna be fun! I won't be talking much at all! haha. ill have to let you know how it goes. my mind just basciallly blows up trying to even comprehend what others are saying, let alone speak it myself. haha. its all good though. it's coming slowly and i just gotta be patient. other than that, I don't know what else there is to say. still teaching often. but yea, this week was not super eventful so sorry i don't have a ton to write. I love you all and pray for you! Keep doin well and having fun! Until next week!
Love, Sister Brown

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